Friday, September 20, 2013

Thank you, Tamora Pierce!

Tamora Pierce, NY Times best selling author of Young Adult Fiction, animal lover, crazy lady and creator of magical universes just bought one of my framed limited edition prints: Old Pueblo, Ranchos de Taos, NM. - Print No. 1 of 200. I delivered it to her yesterday.
So now, by virtue of that sale, and my longstanding relationship with that other famous author/friend/client/universe creator Bruce Coville, I'm also kinda famous -- by proxy.

A few years back, I did the cover and packaging for Tammy's written for audio (later published in paperback) story Melting Stones (produced by Full Cast Audio). The paperback version got a different cover, done by another artist. Publishing houses like to do that. Change the covers. Guess it's a marketing thing. Tammy confesses that she likes my cover a lot better. Me too. :-)

Read about Tammy, and her books here:

Then, read her books!!
She's written a lot of books!